Yerevan - cities of Russia
Sales dates
from December 05 to December 11, 2024
Flight dates
up to March 19, 2025
Direction | Ticket price from (one way, €) |
Yerevan — Moscow Moscow — Yerevan |
83 83 |
Yerevan — Sochi Sochi — Yerevan |
65 52 |
Yerevan — Kazan Kazan —Yerevan |
104 70 |
Yerevan — Volgograd Volgograd —Yerevan |
70 61 |
Yerevan — Mineralnyje Vody Mineralnyje Vody — Yerevan |
70 48 |
- The number of seats available under the offer is limited on each flight
- Children from 2 to 12 years old receive a 15% discount
- The tariff indicated on the website does not include taxes and fees
- The offer is available in all sales channels
- The offer is not a public offer