The "Armenian Airlines" LLC issues reference upon the personal request of the passenger regarding the transportation carried out exclusively by "Armenian Airlines" LLC in the following cases:
- on the fact of the passenger's flight/no-show (presence of the passenger on the flight);
- on the cost of airtransportation along the entire route (a reference can be issued only if the passenger provides a reference of the cost of the flight from the tour operator or other legal entity from which the air ticket was purchased);
- on the distance along the flight route (orthodromy);
- on the fact of delay/ change of departure time/ cancellation of flight;
- on the percentage of the cost of a flight across the territory of the Russian Federation, in accordance with By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 455 dated 12.06.2008, as amended. dated 16.10.2014 (a certificate can be issued only if passengers are provided with a certificate of the cost of the flight from the tour operator or other legal entity from which the ticket was purchased).
- Fill out the application form
- Pay the receipt
- Send the completed form and a copy of the receipt for payment of the fee to the e-mail address: