Privacy policy

General information

The work of Armenian Airlines LLC is based on cooperation with customers and extends to the collection and use of your personal information. It is important for us to cooperate with our clients when it comes to protecting information.

Armenian Airlines LLC undertakes to protect your personal data online, as well as in the ordering system and in our program for loyal customers. You can decide for yourself what information to save in our system and what information to receive from us.

The Privacy Policy includes a description of the data we collect about you, as well as information about the use and protection of your data. The Privacy Policy also describes ways to control how we may use your personal data.

We may receive information about you from various sources, including directly from you; information also comes to us when you use our website, support service or other services, as well as provided to us by third parties.

Personal data processing policy
Consent to the processing and transfer of personal data of the site user

Using this Internet resource, in the order art. 9 of the Law of the Republic of Armenia dated 18.05.2015 N ZR-49-N "On the protection of personal data" (hereinafter referred to as the Law "On the Protection of Personal Data"), the user of the site is free of his will and in his own interests / agrees to the automated, as well as without the use of automation tools, processing of their personal data, by collecting, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, modification), extraction, use, transfer, including cross-border transfer, including for the cross-border transfer of personal data on the territory of countries that do not provide adequate protection of personal data in the cases provided for by Article 27 of the Law "On the protection of personal Data") (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data. The consent applies to the processing of the following personal data: surname, first name, patronymic; year, month, birthday; gender; passport data (series, number, date of issue, name of the authority that issued the document; biometric personal data contained in the passport of the Republic of Armenia) and citizenship; address of residence (according to the passport and actual), home and mobile phone number; passport number and its validity period; surname and first name as indicated in the passport; information requested by the consular services of the embassy of the country of the planned visit to consider the issue of visa issuance; other information), when using an Internet resource / transfer (incl. to third-party Yandex visitor analysis services, and ) and processing of visitor data (namely IP address, estimated geographical location, age, gender, browser version, display resolution, version of the operating system and auxiliary software, device model, resources, search engines, phrases, banners from which the user was going to the site, the list of pages visited and the time spent on the site), namely, performing the actions provided for by art. 3 of the Law "On the protection of personal data" contained in this Consent.

The consent may be withdrawn by the user in writing.

The user also confirms that he/she is familiar with the rights of personal data subjects enshrined in Chapter 3 of the Law "On the protection of personal data".

Usage Policy COOKIES

Cookies are a standard way of remembering your preferences for various websites to ensure a more comfortable work. These preferences are saved as a file on your computer's hard drive. For example, a cookie will contain information about your place of stay, which will allow us not to ask you this question every time you visit.

Our website uses session and persistent types of cookies. Persistent cookies are files that remain on your computer's hard drive until you delete them yourself. Session cookies are files that are deleted automatically when you leave a website, go to another website, or close your browser.

Armenian Airlines LLC cooperates only with those companies that guarantee the creation and maintenance of a high-quality website of our company. Some of these companies may also use cookies in order to fulfill contractual obligations with our company. However, these files do not store information about you personally, about your preferred payment methods and about your credit cards.

To get more information about cookies, how to use them, changing your browser settings, as well as finding and deleting cookies from your hard drive, please refer to the help section of your browser or read this information on the website .

We use cookies and other technologies to collect information when you visit our website, use our services and view our ads online. For example, we may use information about the sites you visit, the links you click on, as well as your IP address.

Collecting information when you visit our website, use our services and view our ads online.

Information obtained from other sources

In order for the information about our customers that we have to be relevant and the offers in demand, we supplement the information provided by you with data from other sources, namely information about the change of residence, hobbies and geographical location.

Consent to the processing of personal data for the purpose of transportation

We use your data to provide the services you request, to ensure the operation of our website and to improve our services.

We need your data to send you important administrative or service messages, even if you have indicated that you do not want to receive information from us through direct marketing:

  • in order to update the flight details and/or, at your request, make changes to the order and contact you if we need additional information about you;
  • in order to book tickets and register you online;
  • in order to provide you with a high level of service;
  • in order for us to respond promptly to complaints and requests from our passengers;
  • in order to improve the quality of passenger service.

If you provide us with sensitive information, you give your full consent to the collection, processing, storage and transfer of this data in order to meet your requirements and ensure safety on board. For example, we use data about your dietary restrictions solely to provide you with suitable food on board the aircraft.

Information received directly from you

We get access to your personal data when you place a ticket order or make changes to an order, as well as when you independently provide us with your personal data. Below you will find examples of the data we receive directly from you:

  • for security reasons, when ordering a ticket, we will ask you to specify your full name and surname, date of birth and gender;
  • when placing an order, we give you the opportunity to make changes and/or specify additional information about yourself;
  • if you are traveling to a country that requires filling out a detailed passenger information Form, we will ask you to enter your passport number, date and place of issue;
  • we may ask you to provide sensitive information about yourself or others, such as dietary restrictions and information about diseases. We do not collect any other information on our website. However, if you provide us with such data by phone, email, or any other means, this information will be protected in accordance with this Privacy Agreement.
Consent to the processing of personal data for marketing purposes

We are pleased to offer you information about our products and services, special offers and prices, as well as to provide you with news and information about our company so that you can use it to your advantage. We undertake to use your data only upon receipt of your consent:

  • If you give your consent, Armenian Airlines LLC will notify you of changes, news, special offers and promotions by mail, phone or email;
  • We may disclose your data to third parties if these companies provide us with their marketing services. However, these companies will not contact you directly;
  • We are committed to using your most relevant preferences, but it will take us some time to enter them into the system.
Transfer of information to third parties

The information that we have will not be transferred to third parties, except in cases where we are obliged to do so within the framework of the law or under the terms of a contract with third parties.

In some cases, we use the services of third parties to sort, process and store your personal data and sensitive information about you. These companies are strictly selected to effectively ensure your security and protect your personal information and undertake to use this data only in accordance with our instructions.

Changes to the privacy policy

Our privacy policy is regularly reviewed to ensure transparency in how we use your information. You will be notified of all changes in a timely manner.

How to change your personal data

If you have subscribed to the newsletter of notifications from Armenian Airlines LLC , you will find a link at the end of each email message, following which you can unsubscribe from receiving the newsletter in the future.

If you wish to receive a copy of all the information we have about you, you have the right to receive a copy of all your personal data that we have. Just make a request and send us the completed form.

If you have any questions regarding our privacy policy, please send us an email at

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