Air transportation contract

According to the passenger air transportation agreement, Armenian Airlines LLC undertakes to transport the passenger of the aircraft to the destination with the provision of a seat on the aircraft making the flight specified in the ticket, and in case of baggage delivery by the passenger, also undertakes to deliver this baggage to the destination and issue it to the passenger of the aircraft or authorized by him to receive baggage a person.

Armenian Airlines LLC or a person authorized by the Carrier to conclude an air carriage agreement for a passenger has the right to refuse to conclude such an agreement for a passenger if he is entered by this Carrier in the register of persons whose air carriage is restricted, except if the passenger:

  • returns to the Republic of Armenia from the point of departure, the only way of transport communication from which to the Republic of Armenia is air transportation;
  • subject to administrative expulsion from the Republic of Armenia, deportation or readmission (transfer or acceptance by the Republic of Armenia in accordance with the international treaty of the Republic of Armenia on readmission), provided that the only way of transport communication between the Republic of Armenia and the point of departure or destination is air transportation;
  • sent to the place of treatment or back;
  • accompanies a passenger from among the disabled and other persons with disabilities to the place of treatment or back;
  • it is sent to the funeral of a family member (close relative) or back, which is documented.

Note. Armenian Airlines LLC is obliged to notify the passenger in writing about his entry into the register of persons whose air transportation is restricted by Armenian Airlines LLC, as well as about cases in which the passenger cannot be refused to conclude a passenger air transportation contract (specified in paragraph above of these Rules).

The passenger's air carriage agreement, which provides for the condition for the refund of the carriage fee upon termination of the passenger's air carriage agreement, must provide for the free baggage allowance. In case of conclusion of such an agreement, the passenger of the aircraft undertakes to pay for air transportation, and if he has baggage in excess of the free baggage allowance, also the carriage of this baggage.

When concluding an air carriage agreement providing for a free baggage allowance, the passenger of the aircraft has the right to carry his baggage within the free baggage allowance established by the carrier at no additional cost, and the carrier is obliged to accept baggage for carriage within the free baggage allowance.

The free baggage allowance is set by the carrier and provides for the number of pieces of baggage and the weight of baggage per passenger of the aircraft.

A passenger air carriage agreement that provides for a condition of non-refund of the carriage fee upon termination of the passenger air carriage agreement may not provide for a free baggage allowance. In case of conclusion of such an agreement, the passenger of the aircraft undertakes to pay for air transportation, and when they hand over their baggage, also the carriage of this baggage, and the carrier undertakes to accept for carriage the baggage paid by the passenger according to the baggage tariff established by the carrier.

Armenian Airlines LLC or a person authorized by it is obliged to inform the passenger of the aircraft about the terms of the passenger's air carriage agreement, including the free baggage allowance in case the passenger enters into an air carriage agreement providing for the free baggage allowance, the carry-on baggage allowance, including the carriage of items prohibited for carriage, the conditions of baggage transportation, conditions of transportation of goods purchased in the sterile area of the airport.

The passenger has the right to conclude a passenger air transportation agreement with Armenian Airlines LLC, providing for a condition for the refund of the carriage fee upon termination of the passenger air transportation agreement, or a passenger air transportation agreement providing for a condition for non-refund of the carriage fee upon termination of the passenger air transportation agreement. Armenian Airlines LLC or a person authorized by it is obliged to inform the passenger about the terms of the passenger air transportation agreement, including the condition for the refund of the carriage fee upon termination of the passenger air transportation agreement or non-refund of the carriage fee upon termination of the passenger air transportation agreement, as well as the conditions for the refund of the carriage fee paid for air transportation prior to the conclusion of the air transportation agreement passenger. The procedure for informing passengers about the terms of the passenger air transportation contract, including the condition for the refund of the carriage fee upon termination of the passenger air transportation contract or non-refund of the carriage fee upon termination of the passenger air transportation contract, as well as the conditions for the refund of the carriage fee paid for air transportation is established by federal aviation regulations. In case of failure to provide information on the terms of the passenger's air transportation contract, including the condition for the refund of the carriage fee upon termination of the passenger's air transportation contract or non-refund of the carriage fee upon termination of the passenger's air transportation contract, as well as the conditions for the refund of the carriage fee paid for the passenger's air transportation, Armenian Airlines LLC or its authorized person is responsible in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.

Transportation performed under the contract of passenger air transportation by Armenian Airlines LLC and other services provided by Armenian Airlines LLC are subject to:

  • conditions set out in the ticket;
  • applicable fares;
  • the terms of these Rules;
  • legislation of the Republic of Armenia.

The air transportation contract is certified by a ticket and a baggage receipt issued by Armenian Airlines LLC or authorized agents.

The document confirming the payment for air transportation is a payment document certifying the payment made for air transportation.

The passenger is obliged to pay the carriage fee for air transportation at the established tariff, and if he has baggage in excess of the free baggage allowance established by Armenian Airlines LLC and the carriage of this baggage.

The air transportation contract is considered concluded from the moment of proper and timely payment for air transportation.

After the full payment of the transportation, Armenian Airlines LLC / authorized Agent issues the passenger with a receipt or sends the passenger a route receipt by e-mail.

Payment of the cost of transportation must be made within the time limits stipulated by the rules for the application of tariffs of Armenian Airlines LLC, valid at the time of registration, booking, strictly specified by Armenian Airlines LLC methods.

In case of late payment or other violation of the payment terms, the air transportation contract is considered not concluded, unless Armenian Airlines LLC confirms otherwise.

The air carriage agreement is valid until the moment when Armenian Airlines LLC fulfills its obligations for the air carriage of passengers and/or baggage along the route indicated in the ticket, provided that the obligations on the part of the passenger are properly fulfilled.

Armenian Airlines LLC undertakes to take all measures in its power to transport the passenger and baggage within a reasonable time. The time specified in the schedule and other documents is not guaranteed and is not an essential condition or part of the air carriage contract.

In the event of a change in the aircraft schedule, Armenian Airlines LLC must take possible measures to inform passengers with whom a passenger air transportation contract has been concluded about a change in the aircraft schedule by any available means.

Armenian Airlines LLC has the right to cancel, delay the flight indicated in the ticket, replace the type of aircraft, change the route of transportation if flight safety and/or transport (aviation) security conditions require it, as well as at the request of state bodies in accordance with their competence.

Armenian Airlines LLC is not responsible for not notifying the passenger about changes in the flight schedule, changes in the departure/arrival airport, flight cancellation or changes in any other flight parameters if, when booking air transportation, the passenger did not provide his contact details (phone number, email address, etc.) or Armenian Airlines LLC Airlines" was unable to contact the passenger using the specified contact details by contacting at least once at each of the specified phone numbers (addresses, etc.), including as a result of providing incorrect contact details to passengers. In these cases, Armenian Airlines LLC does not reimburse the passenger for losses caused by such non-notification.

The transportation of passengers and baggage carried out from the departure airport to the destination airport by several carriers under one transportation document is considered as a single transportation, regardless of whether there were transfers or a break in transportation. At the same time, Armenian Airlines LLC is not responsible for ensuring flight connections if the transportation was issued with separate tickets.

Armenian Airlines LLC has the right to transfer the obligations or part of them under the air carriage agreement to another person, including another carrier, being responsible for their actions (inaction) to the passenger and the fulfillment of the passenger air carriage agreement. In this case, Armenian Airlines LLC informs the passenger about the actual carrier carrying out the transportation, and the passenger will be subject to the rules of carriage of the actual carrier.

The passenger's change of the transportation route (change of the points between which the transportation is carried out, change of the sequence of points between which the transportation is carried out established in the transportation document, refusal to fly on one or more sections of the transportation route), change of the date or time of departure, change of the class of service, the applied fare and other changes in the terms of the passenger's air transportation contract are made in within the validity period of the obligation to transport a passenger, except in cases when the passenger is forced to change the terms of the passenger's air carriage agreement.

If it is impossible to deliver a passenger on the flight indicated in the ticket, Armenian Airlines LLC, in agreement with the passenger, may:

  • to carry this passenger on another flight to the destination indicated in the transportation document;
  • transfer it for transportation to another carrier;
  • arrange transportation by another type of transport;
  • to make a refund of the amounts in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Armenia, these Rules and the rules for the application of tariffs.

If the passenger changes the route (date and time) of transportation, Armenian Airlines LLC may recalculate the cost of such transportation.

A passenger on the transportation route can make one or more stops at any intermediate airport. The passenger must notify Armenian Airlines LLC or its agent about the intention to make a stop when issuing a passenger ticket and baggage receipt. This stop must also be reflected in the specified transportation document. In the case when a passenger has a transportation document issued at a special fare, a stop along the transportation route is carried out taking into account the restrictions or prohibition of stops provided for by the rules of application of the relevant tariff.

Note. Passenger stops along the transportation route are allowed within the validity period of the passenger ticket, provided that they are agreed in advance with the carrier or his agent, indicated in the passenger ticket and baggage receipt, taken into account when calculating the cost of transportation, and in international transportation are also allowed by the aviation (state) authorities of the country where these stops are intended.

If, when issuing a passenger ticket, the passenger did not declare a stop at an intermediate airport, but wished to make such a stop and declared it at this airport, then such a passenger can continue the flight only after making the necessary changes to the ticket data (ticket exchange) in accordance with these Rules of Armenian Airlines LLC and the applicable fare rules of LLC "Armenian Airlines", as well as the passenger must – until the start of the continuation of the flight – to reimburse Armenian Airlines LLC for all and any actual losses of the carrier (including, but not limited to, compensation that the carrier has paid or will be obliged to pay to third parties in connection with such a flight delay) from the delay in the departure of the aircraft (flight performance) related to the removal of its baggage from the aircraft, if it was issued to the point indicated initially in the transportation document. The exception is a passenger stop, caused by his illness or the illness of a member of his family traveling with him on this aircraft, or other force majeure circumstances that arose at the stop point. The fact of the passenger's illness, which does not allow him to continue transportation, must be confirmed by appropriate medical documents.

If the passenger was unable to continue the transportation from the intermediate airport for reasons depending on Armenian Airlines LLC, the Carrier is obliged to send such a passenger to the destination by an aircraft performing the next scheduled flight. There is no additional charge for the carriage of this passenger and no fees are charged.

The passenger has the right to refuse air transportation in accordance with the procedure provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia. If the passenger intends to cancel the flight, the passenger or a person authorized by him is obliged to notify Armenian Airlines LLC of the termination of the contract of carriage unilaterally.

If it is impossible for a passenger (authorized person) to apply for a refund of the amounts for unused transportation at the place of payment, the issue of refund of the amounts is considered by Armenian Airlines LLC in the claim procedure.

A forced refusal of a passenger from transportation is recognized as a refusal in the case of:

  • due to cancellation or delay of the flight indicated in the ticket;
  • changes in the transportation route of Armenian Airlines LLC (except for adverse meteorological conditions and force majeure circumstances);
  • the flight is not on schedule;
  • the passenger's failed departure due to the inability to provide him with a seat on the flight and on the date specified in the ticket;
  • failed transportation of a passenger on an aircraft caused by the passenger's delay at the airport due to the duration of his inspection, if no prohibited substances and items were found during the baggage inspection or personal inspection of the passenger;
  • non-provision of Armenian Airlines LLC for connecting flights in case of a single transportation;
  • the illness of a passenger or a member of his family or a close relative traveling with him on an aircraft, which is confirmed by medical documents, or the death of a member of his family or a close relative, which is documented, provided that Armenian Airlines LLC is notified of this before the end of the established time of passenger registration for the flight indicated in the ticket.
    The illness of a passenger or a member of his family or a close relative traveling with him on an aircraft is the basis for the passenger's forced refusal from transportation if there are contraindications to flight confirmed by medical documents on the date of departure of the aircraft specified in the ticket;
  • not providing the passenger with service according to the class specified in the ticket;
  • incorrect ticket registration by Armenian Airlines LLC or an authorized agent;
  • failed passenger transportation for reasons other than those listed above, due to the fault of Armenian Airlines LLC.

In case of a passenger's forced refusal from transportation, Armenian Airlines LLC makes a note in the transportation document, or issues the passenger a document confirming the circumstances specified in the previous paragraph.

The refusal of a passenger from transportation in cases not provided for by the passenger's forced refusal from air transportation is recognized as a voluntary refusal from transportation.

Termination of the air transportation contract on the initiative of Armenian Airlines LLC.

Armenian Airlines LLC may unilaterally terminate the passenger air transportation agreement in the following cases:

  • violations by the passenger of passport, customs, sanitary and other requirements established by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia in terms of air transportation, as well as rules determined by the relevant authorities of the state of departure, destination or transit;
  • the passenger's refusal to comply with the requirements imposed on him by these rules;
  • refusal of the passenger of the aircraft to pay for the carriage of his baggage in the amount and on the terms provided for by the passenger's air carriage contract;
  • refusal of an aircraft passenger from preflight inspection;
  • if the state of health of the passenger of the aircraft requires special conditions of air transportation or threatens the safety of the passenger or other persons, which is confirmed by medical documents, as well as creates disorder and irreparable inconvenience for other persons;
  • refusal of the passenger of the aircraft to pay for the transportation of the next child with him, in accordance with the preferential tariff, except in cases of free transportation of a child under the age of two years without providing him with a separate seat;
  • violations by the passenger of the aircraft of the Rules of Conduct on board the aircraft that pose a threat to the safety of the flight of the aircraft or a threat to the life or health of other persons, as well as non-compliance by the passenger of the aircraft with the orders of the commander of the aircraft presented in accordance with Article 37 of the Law "On Aviation" of the Republic of Armenia;
  • the presence of items or substances prohibited for air transportation in hand luggage, as well as in baggage.

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